Hvis jeg ikke tager fejl ønsker man en lidt anderledes knast end til en sugemotor hvis det skal fungere optimalt. Med en kompressor bliver motoren jo tvangsfodret og meget overlap (åbne insug og udstødnings ventiler samtidigt) betyder bare at trykket pumpes direkte i udstødningen, På en sugemotor hjælper overlappet delvist til at suge ekstra blanding ind i cylinderen. Samtidigt skal udstødningens siden have hjælp til at komme af alt det ekstra der er proppet ind i cylinderen.
"A long duration cam with a lot of overlap isn't good with a blower because the boost pressure goes in the intake valve and right out the exhaust port at low speed. What works best is a cam with little overlap, a lot of lift and duration but more lift and duration on the exhaust valves (since the blower does nothing to help evacuate the cylinders). With a turbocharged engine, more lift and duration is needed on the intake valve to prevent backpressure (created by the turbo) from backing up into the cylinder."
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Du kan sikkert selv finde meget mere info ved at Google "blower cam".