Hejsa folkens...
Jeg skrev for lidt tid siden en mail til nogle gutter som forhandler knaster i US., men da jeg fik svar, var mailen lidt for teknisk, til at jeg lige kunne overskue det....
Hvis nogen ville hjælpe lidt med at skære du ud i pap for mig, ville jeg blive mucho glad....
Hi Niels,
Here is the information I found out about the differences between the USA
and the other GA16DE cam sprocket set-ups.
To be able to use the USA spec cams including the JWT cams into a not VTC
type GA16DE (port fuel injected models,) the intake cam sprocket bolt will
need to be 30mm longer than your original intake cam sprocket bolt. This
is because the threads in the USA type VTC cams are deeper in the hole. As
far as we can see that is the solution. So an appropriate bolt will need
to be found.
MVH Gummispoiler