Man kan lave en loopback test :
Dette er godt nok til en ms2 :
Som kort og godt går ud på at du bruger hyperterm på din PC og kortslutter ben 2 og 3 i kablet som normalt stikkes i MS.
Kobler op med hyperterm husk rigtig port, hvis din port virker vil det du skriver blive gentaget.
Have you done the loopback test? Your problem may be your pc and/or cable and not the megasquirt. Please read, Serial Communications Construction and Testing (steps 24-26) in the megamanual Connect the serial cable to your computer, but not to the MegaSquirt ECU yet. Use an alligator clip or something similar to jumper pins 2 and 3 on the loose end of the cable. This provides a loopback circuit to verify the operation of your computer and the cable without involving the MegaSquirt hardware yet.
# Download the HyperTerminal configuration file (for MegaSquirt) by clicking on the link (then go to step D.), save it to your hard drive, then click on its icon to start HyperTerminal (to use this file with MegaSquirt-II, set the baud rate to 115200). Note that the configuration is set for com port #1, you may have to change this. OR you can set up Hyperterminal yourself:
i. On the PC, find and run HyperTerminal (Hyperterminal is usually under Start/Programs/Accessories/Communications, but if it is not there then search for a file called “hyperterm.exe”).
If you do not have HyperTerminal installed, you can get it from Hilgraeve, who wrote the original for Microsoft Windows. HyperTerminal Private Edition (HTPE) is what you want, and it's free for personal use. ii. When Hyperterm appears, click on the red telephone icon, and enter a save file name (anything you want, say, "megasquirt"). iii. When the "Connect To" dialog comes up, select under the "Connect Using" option the COM port to which the DB-9 cable is connected, i.e., COM1 or COM2. Do not worry about any of the other settings. Click OK. iv. Next, a dialog window opens with baud rate, stop bits, etc. Set the values according to the table below. Note: the last one, Flow Control, is very important – be sure to set it to None. Click OK.
Baud Rate 9600 for MegaSquirt
115200 for MegaSquirt-II
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None
# HyperTerminal now is up and "connected."
# Type any character - it should be echoed back to the screen, i.e. you will see it once if you do not have local echo enabled, twice if you do. Note that the above configuration file has the local echo set to "off". If the character you typed appears on the screen then the link is working. If not, then check the cable connections and try different COM ports. You must see characters echoed correctly before you move on.
# Once the connection is working with the cable loopback, it is time to connect the DB-9 cable to the MegaSquirt ECU. Remove the jumper on the loose end of the cable and plug it in to the MegaSquirt DB-9 connection.
# Jumper from pin 12 to pin 13 on the 40-pin processor socket [near R44], using a snipped-off component lead (i.e. the loose end from a resistor or capacitor, smaller is better to avoid damaging the socket). Be careful to count correctly to jumper the correct pins. Pin number 1 is to the left of the notch (when the notch is "up") on the chip. Do not test the loop-back yet, you have to apply power first.
# Finally, plug in the stimulator to MegaSquirt to power the board up. This allows a full loop-back test, all data sent to pin 13 should be returned back on pin 12 through the MAX232 chip and all related communications circuits on the board. Again, type any character and again it should be echoed back to the screen. If characters appear on the screen then everything is fine, if not, then check solder joints on the sockets and components, verify voltages at the MAX232 chip connections and so on.
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