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Indlæg: 31 jan 2010, 14:50 

Tilmeldt: 31 jan 2010, 13:31
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Jeg har et spørgmål, indstilling af Gear Ratio Screen og Gear Ratio table
på omex 600 hvordan gør man det?

Allan.R :damn:

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Indlæg: 14 mar 2010, 21:00 

Tilmeldt: 14 mar 2010, 20:47
Indlæg: 6
Den Gear Ratio tabellen er søgt at se, om forholdet er mellem de angivne grænser for gear
begyndende med den lave bundet grænse for Gear = 0, så den øvre grænse for
Gear = 0, og så videre op til det maksimale gear for Gear = 7. Således Gear er beregnet. Typiske
værdier: 68,86,44,51,29,38,22,28,18,21,8,10,0,0.
Gear bruges til at vælge en anden Gear Spark mod, fra Gear Spark mod bordet.
Gear bruges til at vælge en anden Gear Accel mod, fra Gear Accel mod bordet.
Gear bruges til at vælge en anden Gear WG mod, fra Gear WG mod bordet.
Gear bruges til at vælge en anden Gear Boost mod, fra Gear Boost mod bordet.

Motor Acceleration beregning, Bemærk kun positiv acceleration måles alle decelerationer er
sat til nul.
Motor Accel Raw = Crank Tooth periode (sidste) - Crank Tooth periode (1 rev gamle)
Crank Tooth periode (sidste)
Mulighed Engine Accel Cal giver prøvetagning interval og skal repræsentere enten en motor
revolution eller cylinder begivenhed (i tænder)
Motor acceleration er skaleret:
Engine Accel = (Engine Accel Raw × TC Accel Mod) / TC Max
hvor TC Accel Mod = [TC følsomhed RPM / km / h] × [TC Adjust Input]
If (Engine Accel Raw × TC Accel Mod)> TC Max så brugeren skal sætte denne til 100.
TC Accel Mod kan vælges ved hjælp af TC Adjust Input mulighed for at ændre enten TC
følsomhed RPM eller TC følsomhed VSS tabeller. Hvis ingen er valgt da kun følsomhed tabellen
er aktiv. Hvis TC vs Road Speed = På derefter TC følsomhed VSS anvendes i stedet for TC følsomhed

og ved Full Throttle gearstang.

Den fuld gas gearskifte er en tændt tænding retard funktion. Når input til denne funktion er
opfyldt (normalt ved et fysisk input tænde koblingspedalen eller gearstang), ECU retards
tændingen på en sats, FTG Retard Rate, op til en maksimal retard, FTG Retard Max (The
maksimale retard er i forhold til det aktuelle kort værdi, ikke absolut). Når input skifte
ændringer til OFF, tændingen retard vil blive returneret til en sats, FTG Gendan Rate, indtil den normale
fortænding er nået. Hvis input ikke går til OFF, vil tidsplanen blive returneret efter en tid
fastsat af FTG Time max. Den retard sats grader pr 4ms og vil typisk være meget hurtig
(10-15) så det forskud langsommere (2-3). Mulighed FTG min RPM er den mindste motor RPM på
som en fuld gas gearskifte
retard kan udføres. Dette forhindrer motoren RPM fra kippen når deprimerende koblingen
mens stationære

så det er bare igen men det er ikke nemt
men det dur når du har fået det til at virke :coffee:

Indlæg: 15 mar 2010, 08:12 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 15 jul 2003, 11:34
Indlæg: 504
Geografisk sted: Stevns
Google-translate i fuld effekt :wink:

- If it aint broken, I did'nt touch it...

Indlæg: 15 mar 2010, 09:42 

Tilmeldt: 14 mar 2010, 20:47
Indlæg: 6
det må DU da undskylde.
her på ong.......

Traction Control
This system measures engine acceleration and if it exceeds previously determined limits acts to
limit engine power. The maximum permitted engine acceleration is dependant on the gear
selected, so this must also be determined by calculating the gear by comparing engine speed to
road speed. Use internal logging of Gear Ratio to find the usual spread for this parameter. Engine
acceleration is measured by comparing crank tooth segment times between successive crank
revolutions. Engine Accel raw is always calculated and may be used against the parameter
throttle position in normal gravel conditions to gauge surface grip.
17.1 Engine Acceleration
Engine Acceleration calculation, note only positive acceleration is measured all decelerations are
set to zero.
Engine Accel Raw = Crank Tooth period (latest) - Crank Tooth period (1 rev old)
Crank Tooth period (latest)
The option Engine Accel Cal gives the sampling interval and should represent either an engine
revolution or cylinder event (In Teeth)
Engine acceleration is scaled:
Engine Accel = (Engine Accel Raw × TC Accel Mod )/ TC Max
where TC Accel Mod = [TC sensitivity RPM/mph] × [TC Adjust Input]
If (Engine Accel Raw × TC Accel Mod ) > TC Max then the user must set this to 100.
TC Accel Mod may be selected using the TC Adjust Input option to modify either the TC
sensitivity RPM or TC sensitivity VSS tables. If none are selected then only the sensitivity table
is active. If TC vs Road Speed = On then TC sensitivity VSS is used instead of TC sensitivity
17.2 Gear Determination
The Gear Ratio table is searched to see if the ratio is between the specified limits for the gear
starting with the low bound limit for Gear = 0, then the upper bound limit for
Gear = 0, and so on up to the maximum gear ratio for Gear = 7. Thus Gear is calculated. Typical
values: 68,86,44,51,29,38,22,28,18,21,8,10,0,0.
Gear is used to select a different Gear Spark mod, from Gear Spark mod table.
Gear is used to select a different Gear Accel mod, from Gear Accel mod table.
Gear is used to select a different Gear WG mod, from Gear WG mod table.
Gear is used to select a different Gear Boost mod, from Gear Boost mod table.
17.3 Preventing Loss Of Traction
This requires the reduction of engine power, often the best way is to retard the ignition advance,
but more drastic action my be required and will be taken by the cutting of sparks and fuel injection
pulses. The reduction method is invoked when the compensated engine acceleration exceeds the
trip value for the relevant gear.
If Engine Accel > [ TC Ign Cut Trip table value] for selected gear then an ignition cut set by TC
Ign Cut option is requested. When the acceleration returns to within limits the cut is restored
using TC Ign Cut Restore every engine revolution.
63 EM36 Manual
EM36 Manual © 2008 GEMS
If Engine Accel > [ TC Fuel Cut Trip table value] for selected gear then an injection cut set by TC
Fuel Cut option is requested. When the acceleration returns to within limits the cut is restored
using TC Fuel Cut Restore per engine revolution.
If Engine Accel > [ TC Ign Retard Trip] for selected gear then an ignition cut set by TC Ign
Retard option is requested. When the acceleration returns to within limits the
retard is restored using TC Ign Retard Restore per engine revolution.
VVS (Vehicle Speed), Road Speed must exceed TC min VSS.
17.4 TC Tuning
1. Log Engine Accel raw, and Gear ratio, in ideal conditions.
2. Select an appropriate TC max, set the Gear Ratio table if all gear ratios readily
distinguishable. Adjust the sensitivity table to compensate for the changing sensitivity with speed.
Log again with Engine Accel included in log This should be a flat line versus engine speed, if
traction maintained.
3. If last log is acceptable, say Engine Accel is 50% flat to ±10%, then set the TC trips with the
retard triggered first and fuel cut highest. Try a retard of 25degrees and a restore of 2 degrees,
30% cuts and 5% restores.
4. Log again and find a poor or slippery surface to confirm action.

Full Throttle Gear Shift
The full throttle gearshift is a switched ignition retard function. When the input for this function is
satisfied (normally by a physical input switch on the clutch pedal or gear stick), the ECU retards
the ignition at a rate, FTG Retard Rate, up to a maximum retard, FTG Retard Max (The
maximum retard is relative to the current map value, not absolute). When the input switch
changes to OFF, the ignition retard will be returned at a rate, FTG Restore Rate, until the normal
ignition timing is reached. If the input does not go to OFF, the timing will be returned after a time
set by FTG Time max. The retard rate is degrees per 4ms and would typically be very fast
(10-15) then the advance slower (2-3). The option FTG min RPM is the minimum engine RPM at
which a full throttle gearshift
retard can be performed. This prevents the engine RPM from dipping when depressing the clutch
whilst stationary.

er det beder :grin:

Indlæg: 15 mar 2010, 13:52 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 15 jul 2003, 11:34
Indlæg: 504
Geografisk sted: Stevns
Nu er det da til at forstå - Det andet ligner en dansk udgave af inder-engelsk :D

- If it aint broken, I did'nt touch it...

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