Lidt historie bag Fords flathead V8'er ... det tyder på at vi har en "Dansker" (emigreret til US som 4 åriget) at takke for de der stødstangs v8 bådankere
Charles Emil Sorensen (
wiki) er skurken
Manden der løste problemet med at støbe en v8 blok i et stykke
... the V-8 block would require new, precise procedures. Model A molds had been assembled by hand with great success, but that would not be possible with the complexity of the V-8 mold. Again, any shifting or misalignment of the cores resulted in a scrap block. During the early days of production, the scrap rate of blocks was extremely high-occasionally as high as 100 percent. But, thanks mostly to production boss "Cast Iron" Charlie Sorenson and his knowledge of pattern making, the casting problems were resolved. The solution to that problem was a fixture to hold all the cores in place. By the end of March 1932, 100 blocks a day were being produced, and the lofty production goal of 3,000 a day was accomplished by July.