
Motor- og Tuningsforum for Garagefuskere og andet godtfolk!
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Indlæg: 17 nov 2005, 20:24 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 13 jul 2003, 09:25
Indlæg: 2597
Geografisk sted: Rønnede/Holbæk
tja tænkte der kunne være nogle der syntes det var sjovt så smider den lige her fra en jeg snakker lidt med fra UK som kender nogen der er et fedt sted (sumo power)

fin bil hvis man er til bimmere

Email regarding launch of new Need for speed game

Hi all got this email from our friends at Sumo Power this morning they have just built the new car for the new need for speed game read the mail and check out the car

Dear Friends,

Please find a link below to the special project built by Sumo Power
for EA
Games to promote and launch their newest game ' Need for
Speed -
Most Wanted '. The new game incorporates an M3 BMW GTR as its hero
car, in
which a driver cruises the streets in his race prepared M3 looking for
challenges to race.

Our brief from EA was to replicate the car, designed in house by EA
to be a
fully functional and working demonstration car to promote the game
all over
Europe. As with all cars built in house at Sumo Power this car
continues our
long list of special cars built to spec for purpose and to a very high
standard as can be seen from the pictures.

Sumo Power is a Japanese car parts specialist, who on request
re-forms its
team of specialist mechanics to produce high quality promotional cars,
however we jumped at the opportunity to stretch our imaginations into a
European car build such as this BMW which started its life as a
standard M3
- something which is a first at Sumo. Not content with the usual
parts we have added an air of Japanese tuning to the car to add
our flair
featuring the Do-Luck rear racing wing, Rays Engineering Volk wheels
and of
course our trademark interior detail - AAR racing seats and Teamtech
harnesses. The cars body panels are made entirely from carbon fibre!

EA have websites dedicated to their new game : www.needforspeed.com and
www.be-notorious.com .

The game is released this month ( November ).

Once again we are pleased to carry out such a special project for
EA Games,
last year we built the infamous 350Z Hercules which was a huge
success the
world over, especially within Europe of course and we are now proud
that the
car is owned by Pop superstar Jamiraquai, no easy task considering
his long
list of exclusive super cars.

Please visit our server below for full high resolution pictures of
the car,
just click on the link :

http://sumopictures.sumopower.com/BMW%2 ... 20PROJECT/

Any enquiries about this or any other Sumo Power project, our parts,
vehicles operation or for further information about EA, please contact
us as


Andy Barnes

Sumo Power Ltd
Kleer House
Sheerness Docks
Sheerness Kent
ME12 1RS - UK
Tel 0871 226 0178 ( 12 lines ) - From overseas : +44 1795 668899
Fax 0871 226 0199 ( 3 lines )
Web: www.sumopower.com
Web: www.do-luck.co.uk
Web: www.spooneurope.com

Japanese Part Suppliers
Special Vehicle Projects
Race Car Preparation Works
Race Car Tuning Works

Ikke at kunne eller gide gennemlæse regler fritager ikke folk fra at skulle overholde dem om de bliver opdaget eller ej...

Where excess pressure is involved in a system - inadvertent opening of elements under stress can lead to parts flying around...


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Indlæg: 18 nov 2005, 10:32 

Tilmeldt: 13 feb 2004, 13:57
Indlæg: 108
Geografisk sted: Roskilde
Fedt at have forbindelser til folk der ved lidt om sådan nogle projekter :)

Men er jeg den eneste der sidder og tænker "Hvorfor?" Den M3'er er da mishandlet. Jeg synes at den er en langt flottere bil fra fabrikken.

Master Fabritius

Smoke tires
Not drugs

Indlæg: 18 nov 2005, 21:56 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 13 jul 2003, 09:25
Indlæg: 2597
Geografisk sted: Rønnede/Holbæk
ja den er lidt mere eksklusiv måske men det sælger jo ikke bil spil til de små drenge som ser mest på store fælge osv.

Ikke at kunne eller gide gennemlæse regler fritager ikke folk fra at skulle overholde dem om de bliver opdaget eller ej...

Where excess pressure is involved in a system - inadvertent opening of elements under stress can lead to parts flying around...


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