
Motor- og Tuningsforum for Garagefuskere og andet godtfolk!
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Indlæg: 20 feb 2008, 22:04 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 08 jul 2003, 13:19
Indlæg: 3480
http://www.vems.hu/wiki/index.php?page= ... FUserGuide

Faldt lige over det første man skal sørge for, have en brandslukker klar :grin:

Ja ja, find du nu bare en audi der kan tage 9500rpm på standard dele :-)

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Indlæg: 20 feb 2008, 22:06 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 08 jul 2003, 13:19
Indlæg: 3480
:shock: link er død...

Ja ja, find du nu bare en audi der kan tage 9500rpm på standard dele :-)

Indlæg: 20 feb 2008, 22:10 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 08 jul 2003, 13:19
Indlæg: 3480
You MUST have a fire extingusher on hand
Correct Power connection is ESSENTIAL read then re-read the information in Step One, failure to connect the grounds properly will damage your unit
The most important sensor is the primary trigger (crank sensor or distributor trigger), get this working first.
Ensure that you understand the correct methods for grounding.
Connect and test the sensors before you consider connecting injectors, fuel pump relays etc.
Ensure that you understand the correct methods for grounding.
When testing your connectors you will often need to turn the engine on the starter motor, remove your spark plugs to reduce the load on the starter, don't run the starter for too long, keep an eye on the temperature of the starter motor, battery and starter motor cable, these can get hot and overloaded.
Ensure that you understand the correct methods for grounding.
Connect your ignition components first, follow the steps in the Configuring Ignition section.
Ensure that you understand the correct methods for grounding.
Start with conservative maps, tuning is an itterative process, your first task will be to get the engine to idle, then to hold rpm without load.
Ensure that you understand the correct methods for grounding.
Finally, remember that this is always going to be a learning experience, and that it should be fun! Oh, and check your grounds are correct.

Syntes det ser lidt skægt ud at man skal have brandslukker klar, men det er måske meget normalt ?

Ja ja, find du nu bare en audi der kan tage 9500rpm på standard dele :-)

Indlæg: 21 feb 2008, 06:15 
Senior Medlem

Tilmeldt: 08 jan 2006, 13:51
Indlæg: 450
Geografisk sted: Sønderjylland
Taget fra megamanual:

"Before starting, make sure to:

* Have two fully charged fire extinguishers on hand,
* Check the entire fuel system, from the tank to the injectors and back, for leaks while running the fuel pump. DO NOT attempt to start the engine if there are ANY leaks whatsoever. Fix any leaks before proceeding.
* Check that the fuel pressure is appropriate for your system (usually about 42-45 psi for port injection when not running, usually around 12-15 psi for throttle body systems).
* Verify that you have powered your MegaSquirt form a +12V source that will supply current while cranking. Many reported problems with MegaSquirt have been traced to power sources that are connected in “run” but not while cranking. Check your vehicle wiring diagrams if you are not sure."

MS er ikke bedre, der skal man endda have 2 klar :P

"What's with all this 'low boost, 'high' boost, 'part' boost talk? whenever i drive my car i'm on 'whatever-this-motherfucker-will-make' boost!"

Indlæg: 21 feb 2008, 09:24 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 08 jul 2003, 13:19
Indlæg: 3480

Ja ja, find du nu bare en audi der kan tage 9500rpm på standard dele :-)

Indlæg: 21 feb 2008, 11:12 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 11 apr 2006, 10:15
Indlæg: 601
Geografisk sted: Herning, Midtjylland
Ja, for det er jo tit selve styrboksen der sætter ild i lortet... eller vent....

Tror nok at begge eksempler hænger rigtig meget sammen med, at biler der får monteret MS eller VEMS næsten altid er projekt-biler, der skal have den første opstart efter en lang bygge-pause.

Jeg har selv installeret MS for nogle stykker.. Et eksempel: Da jeg fik tilsluttet benzinpumpen kunne jeg lige starte med at få lukke et par mikroskopiske huller i den hjemmelavede dysebro. Heldigvis var motorrum ikke varmt, og jeg stod ikke på det tidspunkt med en cigaret i kæften... men der var en fin benzin-sky over hele motorrrummet...


Med venlig hilsen
Jonas Laustrup
Husk, du kan kun vælge 2: Hurtig, Billig, Pålidelig

Indlæg: 21 feb 2008, 13:00 
Mester Medlem

Tilmeldt: 21 jun 2007, 13:17
Indlæg: 2340
Geografisk sted: Fysisk: Ølstykke /Mentalt: langt væk
Lægmand = Brandslukker :grin:

corvus terrae terror...


“the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten”

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